If you want to create a language file in your native language you have to follow these steps:

  • First download the latest english language file out of the git.
  • Now you can start your translation. It is possible to type in characters like ä, ü, â, é (umlaut, accent, etc.) but be aware of the character ' - this has to be escaped.
    • e.g., This is 'IPFire' Version 2.7 is entered as: This is /'IPFire/' Version 2.7.

If your are done you may test it in your own IPFire system:

  • Copy your language file to /var/ipfire/langs/XX.pl (e.g. french:/var/ipfire/langs/fr.pl)
  • Then open file /var/ipfire/langs/list with your favorite editor and enter your language.

file = /var/ipfire/langs/list

  • Now you have to update the language cache. Connect via ssh to your IPFire and type the following command:
perl -e "require '/var/ipfire/lang.pl'; &Lang::BuildCacheLang"
  • Or as an alternative:
  • You have to do this after any changes you made of your language file to see your inserts on the webinterface. This is pretty annoying - a fast way during testing is to delete the cache files (e.g. cache-lang.pl.en), then IPFire will read everytime directly out of the pl file.

  • To change the web interface to your new language just go to GUI and select your language from the pull-down-menu.

Error 500

If you have changed the language and you get an Internal Server Error when you try to reach the webinterface, then there is something wrong in your language file. With the command:

tail /var/log/httpd/error_log

your are able to read out what is wrong.

To get the web interface back to work, you may edit the file: /var/ipfire/main/settings.
There you will find a line starting with LANGUAGE=. Just get back to english language by entering:


and all will work fine again.