A generic LFS template is as follows:

#                                                                             #
# IPFire.org - A linux based firewall                                         #
# Copyright (C) 2022  IPFire Team  <info@ipfire.org>                          #
#                                                                             #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify        #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           #
# (at your option) any later version.                                         #
#                                                                             #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                                #
#                                                                             #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           #
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.       #
#                                                                             #

# Definitions

include Config

SUMMARY    = one-line description of addon

VER        = 1.0.0

THISAPP    = progname-$(VER)
DL_FILE    = $(THISAPP).tar.gz
PROG       = progname
PAK_VER    = 2

DEPS       = ""


# Top-level Rules

objects = $(DL_FILE)


$(DL_FILE)_MD5 = 83fb77e937e9401ede73875c631f118e

install : $(TARGET)

check : $(patsubst %,$(DIR_CHK)/%,$(objects))

download :$(patsubst %,$(DIR_DL)/%,$(objects))

md5 : $(subst %,%_MD5,$(objects))


# Downloading, checking, md5sum

$(patsubst %,$(DIR_CHK)/%,$(objects)) :

$(patsubst %,$(DIR_DL)/%,$(objects)) :

$(subst %,%_MD5,$(objects)) :

# Installation Details

$(TARGET) : $(patsubst %,$(DIR_DL)/%,$(objects))
    @rm -rf $(DIR_APP) && cd $(DIR_SRC) && tar zxf $(DIR_DL)/$(DL_FILE)
    cd $(DIR_APP) && make $(MAKETUNING) $(EXTRA_MAKE)
    cd $(DIR_APP) && make install
    @rm -rf $(DIR_APP)


Here are the detailed explanation for the definitions section of the LFS template:

  • SUMMARY one line description of the package, "The Common UNIX Printing System Foo2ZJS version" in this case
  • VER is the version number
  • DL_FILE the name of the archive containing the application
  • DL_FROM the url where the archive can be downloaded from (notice this is a very unusual case where the archive is in the root directory of the server).
  • PROG usually it is the same as THISAPP minus the version number; in my case they coincide.
  • PAK_VER is increased every time a new version of the addon is created or if something has changed on the install/config logic of the pak.
  • DEPS is the dependencies
  • SERVICES is a space seperated list of initscripts that is provided by this addon which are actual services. one-shot initscripts where no daemon is started should be excluded from this list. In this case only one service is provided: cups

Top-level Rules

  • $(DL_FILE)_MD5 this is the md5 checksum of the downloaded file; You should already have the file on your disk so just call:
$ md5sum foo2zjs.tar.gz

83fb77e937e9401ede73875c631f118e  foo2zjs.tar.gz

Installation Details

  • $(TARGET) : $(patsubst %,$(DIR_DL)/%,$(objects)) - You will need to adjust several lines:
    • adjust the archive unpacking line (you may have a different compression z/gz/bz2/... and/or archiver tar/zip/7z/arc/...)
    • add (if needed) the configuration line
    • adjust (if needed) the compile line (e.g.: make all ...)
    • add any needed compilation steps (in my case I had to add ./getweb all to download from the Internet all printer definitions. This has been a major headache because this Makefile runs in a chrooted environment and the active /etc/resolv.conf contains just nameserver For this reason I had to install a DNS-proxy in my compilation machine).
    • add any needed post-installation hooks make cups in my case.
    • make sure initscripts are installed. Use the INSTALL_INITSCRIPTS function for this and simply pass the $(SERVICES) variable defined earlier to install all service initscripts in one go. You can add more initscripts (that are not services) by just adding them on that line. For example: $(call INSTALL_INITSCRIPTS,$(SERVICES) first-boot-check)

The complete file is as follows:

make foo2zjs
#                                                                             #
# IPFire.org - A linux based firewall                                         #
# Copyright (C) 2007  Michael Tremer & Christian Schmidt                      #
#                                                                             #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify        #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           #
# (at your option) any later version.                                         #
#                                                                             #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                                #
#                                                                             #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           #
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.       #
#                                                                             #

# Definitions

include Config

SUMMARY    = The Common UNIX Printing System Foo2ZJS version

VER        = noversion

#THISAPP    = foo2zjs-$(VER)
THISAPP    = foo2zjs
DL_FILE    = $(THISAPP).tar.gz
DL_FROM    = http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com
PROG       = foo2zjs
PAK_VER    = 2

DEPS       = "foomatic"

SERVICES   = cups

# Top-level Rules

objects = $(DL_FILE)


$(DL_FILE)_MD5 = 83fb77e937e9401ede73875c631f118e

install : $(TARGET)

check : $(patsubst %,$(DIR_CHK)/%,$(objects))

download :$(patsubst %,$(DIR_DL)/%,$(objects))

md5 : $(subst %,%_MD5,$(objects))


# Downloading, checking, md5sum

$(patsubst %,$(DIR_CHK)/%,$(objects)) :

$(patsubst %,$(DIR_DL)/%,$(objects)) :

$(subst %,%_MD5,$(objects)) :

# Installation Details

$(TARGET) : $(patsubst %,$(DIR_DL)/%,$(objects))
    @rm -rf $(DIR_APP) && cd $(DIR_SRC) && tar zxf $(DIR_DL)/$(DL_FILE)
    cd $(DIR_APP) && make $(MAKETUNING) $(EXTRA_MAKE)
    cd $(DIR_APP) && ./getweb all
    cd $(DIR_APP) && make install
    cd $(DIR_APP) && make cups
    @rm -rf $(DIR_APP)